Proud Member of the MSPA!
By entering this site, you confirm that you have read and agree to the following guidelines/addendums to the ICA.
CSA has been targeted by scammers. If you receive a check of any kind from someone claiming to be a representative of CSA who is NOT listed below, DO NOT cash the check. We only pay by paypal, and most shops are listed on the job board.
Please do NOT electronically record your shops! You must not audio or video record your store visits via any type of format. If it is discovered that you recorded the shops in any way, you will not be paid for the shop, will be disqualified from that client’s shops, and may be deactivated from the system.
Scroll down to read important announcements and contact CSA staff!
On the 2nd and 3rd Saturdays of each month, at 9 PM EST, SASSIE systems may be taken offline for maintenance, performance enhancements and security measures for UP TO 90 minutes.
Please read client guidelines and any other information before you do the shop. Failure to follow the guidelines may result in the shop report not being accepted and payment forfeited.
AOL.COM is failing our fraud detection alerts! If you do not receive a response to an email sent within 12 hours, please text or call 808-347-6762. Thank you!
Shopper pay goes out via PAYPAL the month after the shop was performed. Payments are sent to the email address in your SASSIE profile by the 31st of the following month.
You understand and acknowledge that payment for completing a mystery shopping evaluation is contingent upon payment from the client for which the evaluation is conducted. If the client does not accept and/or pay for the evaluation, CSA shall have no liability for such unpaid amount. The client may not pay for evaluations for reasons such as the shopper being identified through any measure; the video evidence doesn’t agree with the report; or the report doesn’t have the required information.
1) If you have a backpack or large bag with you when performing your shop, please follow the store's directives on the handling of large bags, such as leaving it at customer service. If you carry it with you during your shop and security is alerted, you may be identified as a mystery shopper and will no longer be eligible to shop at these stores.
2) Be sure you pay in the specified tender, as appropriate. Do NOT use EBT or any other government-supplied funds (i.e. SNAP, Food Stamps, etc.). You will not be paid for the reimbursements, and we reserve the right to deactivate you as a shopper if you continue to use that method of payment.
3)After you submit a shop, you need to check emails at least once daily in case the editors have questions. We reserve the right to reassign the shop with payment forfeited if you do not respond to the editors within 24 hours of their email.
1) Shops must be submitted within 24 hours of the date you did the shop, unless prior permission was granted for an extension. If you do a shop ON the due date, then your shop must be submitted by midnight of that day.
2) We reserve the right to deduct $1 for every day that the shop is past this deadline. We also reserve the right to deduct $1 for every day that the shop is not corrected as requested by any editor.
3) We also reserve the right to deduct points or $1 for late shops or shops that require multiple edits/requests for clarification.
4) We reserve the right to unassign/reassign shops not submitted by the due date.
5) if a shop is sent back to you by the editor for corrections, the shop must be resubmitted within 24 hours or by the deadline set in the email. Failure to do so may result in the shop being reassigned and payment forfeited.
5) If a bonus is applied to a shop, you must submit it by the assigned due date, or bonus will be forfeited.
1) Any shop not turned in by the due date without prior permission is considered a "flake" and a citation will be put on your profile as such.
2) After 3 "flake" citations, we reserve the right to deactivate your account.
3) If you “flake” on your first assignment, we will deactivate your account.
4) If you "flake" on your assignment, and we need to offer bonuses to have the job done quickly, we will not pay you any bonuses for completing the job.
If you are deactivated for any reason, and sign up as, or perform the shops under another shopper's name, we will immediately deactivate the new name, even if it belongs to another bona fide shopper. We will use the names on the receipts, employee descriptions of shoppers, and any other information to determine if you are using another shopper ID.
If payment information, including credit card information, membership rewards information, or other data belonging to a previously deactivated shopper is used, we will immediately deactivate the shopper who is using that information.
1) Shops must be confirmed on SASSIE within 2 days of the assignment email being received. You do this by going to your shopper log and clicking on the "confirm" link next to your assigned shop.
2) We reserve the right to unassign/reassign any shops not confirmed after the initial assignments have been given out.
1) We receive multiple applications for each assignment, and make decisions based on rotation requirements of the client as well as past reliability/timeliness of the shopper applying.
2) Do NOT email anyone with rude, offensive, demanding, or demeaning tirades. You will be deactivated, all shops unassigned, and pay will be forfeited.
3) There is no limit to how many shops you can do, nor is there a minimum.
4) You may request a shop "run" (such as North Shore Oahu, several in the same area in Florida, etc.) This does not guarantee acceptance.
5) Do NOT cut and paste your narratives into multiple reports! Each report should be manually entered as a whole new report. We reserve the right to withhold payment if it is found that you are cutting and pasting.
If you are identified as a shopper, you cannot shop that client anymore. If you are identified 3 times, you will be deactivated. If you, your friends, or family member (parent, child, spouse, in-laws, aunts, uncles, cousins, hanai or biological,etc) are a current or former employee of any client, you are not eligible to perform shops for them. Doing so will result in immediate deactivation and non payment.
We reserve the right to modify/change this agreement as necessary. The Independent Contractor Agreement, Guidelines, and any other documents issued as directives are incorporated. Please check back to ensure you are up-to-date on the latest information.
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CEO - Noelle Condon
Email Noelle
Quality Control - Katy and Beverly
Email Katy
Email Beverly
Scheduler - Noelle
Email Noelle